The "Family Blog"

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Starting a blog / Harry's Accident

Hi everyone,

Where to start? It's a little late to start at their see they are 13 months and 28 months old. Perhaps I'll just share a little of what's been going on lately, we'll start with Harry.

A funny thing happened to Harry the other day. To really get a good understanding of the dynamic here you need to know that my little boy is a touch accident prone. He tends to fall down a lot. It's not that he lacks motor skills, he can stand on one foot and stack an array of blocks, it's just that he doesn't seem to worry too much about falling down. Each fall will be punctuated by his little chirp,"I fall down!, I fall down, daddy. Gotta boo-boo." Then he'll come running over for the required hug and kiss. When he was learning to walk he had bruises all over his little head. We couldn't get a picture of him where it didn't look like someone had been chucking marbles at his skull.

Anyway, he's in day care and each time I dropped him off, I used to feel like we were one more bruise away from being reported to the department of child services. At the same time, we'd come into daycare each day and have to sign off on incident reports where they document an accident that your child had at the center. When my wife and I sat down with the staff at one of their get-togethers, we found out that even as we were concerned about them thinking that we were bad parents, they were worried that we felt they weren't watching him carefully at school.

So where does this leave us? Well a couple of days ago when Harry was at daycare and my wife got a call at work that he had been injured and might need to see doctor. My wife hurried over and picked him up and brought him home. It turns out that he was standing up on a stool to wash his hands after going potty and he fell and bonked his head on the toilet. I tried to get him to draw me a flux capacitor but all he would do was scribble. He whacked himself pretty good just to the side of his right eye.

I'll post a picture below but if you're the squeamish type you might want to look away. In case you're worried, he has been just fine over the past two days and he hasn't complained, even when his eye was almost swollen shut. Expecting that he'll be asked about his boo-boo, my wife and I have primed him to reply,"Chicks dig scars." Unfortunately, he's a touch hard to understand when he says it. I'll also include a "normal" picture of him...the other little munchkin in the second picture is Lily, his sister, more on her next time.

Anyway that's all I have time for today. I'll try to keep this thing updated about twice a week if I can stay focused.

1 comment:

Kirk Y. said...

When in doubt... have them draw a flux capacitor?!?!? I'll have to remember that one.