The "Family Blog"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

don't let her innocent good looks fool you...she's a vile little thing

Lily has been on a roll. She started on Thursday morning by putting a big fat dump in her pullup, then pooping more in the toilet, and then, as I was coming back from downstairs with some underwear for her, I rounded the corner to find her squatting, stark naked, at the top of the landing, leaving another dookie on the carpet.

Cut to last night, when I was folding laundry and heard noises from the bathroom. I came upstairs to find her splashing around up to her elbows in the toilet. I reprimanded her and washed her up, but she seemed so happy to be washing her hands that I doubted she got the point. I was right. This afternoon she took her Elmo doll for a swim in the potty. Elmo is now in the trashcan on the curb. She also managed to soak her dress and the floor.

Then tonight, the pièce de résistance - she and Harry were in the tub when suddenly H started freaking out and asking me why there was "dirty stuff" floating in the water. Yep, it's exactly what you are thinking, and there was a lot of dirty stuff to be contended with after that one: remove kids from tub and try to keep them from going anywhere, drain tub and then blast with the shower head (thank the heavens it is detachable) to dissolve and flush all the poo down the drain, keep blasting for another five minutes just in case, put kids back in tub to wash off, remove again, then wash your own hands and arms about eight thousand times, then sit around feeling like you should go wash them a few more times. I like problem solving but that was one logic puzzle that I care never to repeat.

I'd tell you more but I gotta go wash my hands. Goodnight.

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