The "Family Blog"

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mystery Solved

Harry revealed the secret behind bibba last night: Bibba is another word for dough. Makes perfect sense to me.

We went for a nice little hike in Red Butte Canyon this evening. It's basically a road with a steep hill on one side and a fence on the other, so both Harry and the doggo got to be off-leash. We had a lovely time until the very end when Lily started to say "I pooped, I pooped", her tone becoming more urgent as we walked. It is never a good sign when she keeps saying she pooped or "I need changed" over and over.

When I pulled her out of the pack, it had escaped the confines of the diaper, well on it's way to her neck. We cobbled together our paltry collection of wipes in the back of the car and a swim diaper, and did our best. Lily did not want to cooperate. Poop ended up on my pants, my shirt, my jacket, my pedometer, my hands, and at one point, a bit flew up and almost hit me in the eye.

It wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault. Enough repetition and it seemed to sink in; I even thanked her for letting us know. Good mommy!

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