The "Family Blog"

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Trains, Fish and Coffee

What a week. Lily has been very sick. She had a fever for two days, and last night when I came home she was just staring glassy-eyed off into space. It was really unsettling to see her like that. If her dad wasn't a pediatrician I might have called the doctor. Thankfully, she was much more her bubbly self today, although still not 100%. At least she was willing to play instead of spending the whole day glued to my chest with her thumb jammed in her mouth, making little whimpering noises. Although part of me really did like the extra cuddling.

Harry seems to be compensating by being extra cooperative and cheerful. He has been a joy to be around these last few days. Today we went to the aquarium, then took the light rail over to the hospital to visit dad at work. We stopped by the Starbucks to pick up a bag of ground coffee for him and Harry insisted on carrying it all the way from the University Hospital to the children's hospital, sippy cup tucked under one arm and coffee under the other. When he spotted Chris he shrieked "HEY DADDY, I'VE GOT COFFEE!!!" and went careening down the hall at him. He was even (mostly) good on the train, humming and singing tunelessly to himself (something I often hear him doing in the morning if he wakes before I go in to get him), making faces, and flirting with the other passengers. He caught me smiling at him, giggled and stated smugly "I'm funny," an observation he likes to make when he has amused himself. Lily was a bit fussy on the trip home; I kept offering her the sippy until I realized she just wanted to give me five.

All that adventure, and "we" got some cleaning done too. Not a bad start to the holiday weekend. Hope yours is good too.

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