The "Family Blog"

Monday, March 2, 2009

arrrgh no pictures tonight. I am on the computer that doesn't have all the good stuff on it. Someone mentioned they liked the blog and I got all guilty about how I never post to it, so here we are. My oh my, the time does fly. Lily is more talkative every day. Now she and H can argue, yay! They fight plenty but they can be sooooo sweet to each other. When L is in one of her grumpy crying funks Harry will try to appease her with toys or by singing a song. He'll be all like, in that same patronizing voice we adults use when we are trying to calm a screaming child, "Lily, would you like your Snuggle Bear? Would you like me to sing Twinkle Little Star? You like that song, it'll be fun!"

Lily, for her part, will even spontaneously share (they are both pretty good about this...most of the time). She'll hand H the sippy cup and say, "I sharing, I sharing, I sharing" over and over until you acknowledge that she did indeed share. Meanwhile, H will be saying, "Thank you for sharing the milk with me, Lily" in his ultra-polite-I'm-being-really-good voice. Actually, H is huge on thankfulness. He will thank us for completely inconsequential things ten minutes after the fact ("Thank you for buckling my seatbelt, Mommy" when we are halfway home).

Lily started in the 2's class today. It sounds like she is going to transition quickly and smoothly, which is good because I was concerned she might expect to be held all the time. Chris had suggested that for her birthday I just give her a day where we did nothing bult hold her. I opted for an outrageous amount of Hello Kitty merchandise instead. L's room now looks like a tribute to japanese animation. She also received her much-hyped Big Girl Bed, which was an old twin bed we got for five bucks at a yard sale last fall; I spent months busting my hump stripping and polyurethaning the thing, but the end result was beautiful. Hopefully it will not be destroyed too soon. I will put some before and after pictures in the Shutterfly album at some point, just so I can brag.

Yesterday we went for a hike in the foothills and Harry walked the whole way (something like two miles). He also learned to pee on a tree and seemed incredibly pleased with himself afterward. We are hoping this will not carry over into regular life; H is pretty good at understanding that certain behaviors are only appropriate at certain times...otherwise I am sure to tell you about it here.

Until next time....

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