The "Family Blog"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh, I am getting such major flack for not keeping this up to date. So let's see...what has happened in the last six months? Lily walks, runs and talks. In fact, this last couple weeks she has really found her voice...and is demanding things left and right! "milk! milk! pick me up! water! read this, read this!" Harry is 3 now; his big thing lately has been asking all kinds of things about boy and girl anatomy.

Christmas was a pretty big deal. We left Santa cookies and carrots for the reindeer...but H wanted to be sure they shared the carrots with Santa. He also wanted to leave him pineapple, apples, and salmon. Harry is very concerned about Santa eating healthy.

Lately we have been talking a bit about Chinese New Year. I was disappointed when my research didn't reveal any events we could take the kids to. Last year we saw the lion dancing in Honolulu's Chinatown and it was incredible. I was hoping we could find something similar in Salt Lake, but no such luck. Last night we watched some lion dancing on the computer ("this computer has a lot of lion dancers in it!") We also talked about how 2009 will be the Year of the Ox; H has been very confused about this - he thinks there will actually be an Ox coming. Last night he concluded that the Ox is going to bring him blocks and trains...I think we may be having some crossover from Christmas here.

Instead of trying to post a bunch of pictures here...this never works well for me...I am going to put up one and then post the rest over on Shutterfly. Shoot me a note if you forgot the password.

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