The "Family Blog"

Friday, April 24, 2009

Bibba Cheese

Today we went to Red Butte Gardens on a field trip with the school. Lily had to ride in her favorite seat - the backpack - to keep her isolated from the other kids, because she has diarrhea....again. I was called out of work yesterday to come pick her up....again. This has been off and on for over a month. It's a bit of a problem because neither veterinary clinics nor intensive care units are good places for a toddler - especially one that could unleash a vile stream of stinking poo at any moment - to be running around. Not that I haven't tried it before, mind you, but I can only test the patience of my coworkers so many times.

Anyway, it's been going on long enough that we decided it was time to at least discuss the matter with the pediatrician, who looked her over and sent us away with a biohazard bag full of various vials and culture media, along with written instructions on how to collect, insert and mix the substances in the vials with the fecal matter. After which we must take the whole thing to the lab ourselves. The "human" side of medicine is so much less service oriented - I would never dream of asking a client to do all that themselves. So anyway, I have braced myself for the task and have begun to wait for Lily to poop again so I can do the deed....and wait....and wait....ironically, no poop since I picked her up yesterday. It's like that thing that is always getting in the way in the refrigerater when you are looking for something else, and when the day finally arrives for you to use some of it, it's nowhere to be found....where is the dang poop? I need the poop, why can't I find the poop? Is it behind the mustard? Did someone throw it out? Damnit!

In the meantime Lily got to be carried around on my back so that she could still participate in the field trip. Afterward we blew off responsibilities at work and home and went out for sushi, although Harry tried to get us to go to his new favorite imaginary restaurant: Bibba Cheese. This, from what we can tell, is a pizza joint. It started in Zion but he has been elaborating on it throughout the week. Last night in the car:

Harry: "Why aren't we going to Bibba Cheese?"
Chris: "Because it doesn't exist, Harry."
"But I want Bibba Cheese"
"What do they make there, anyway?"
"Cheese. And lots and lots of bibba."
"Well, I hate bibba."
"They dump it all over your food!"
"That's the point, I don't want to eat bibba."
"But that's why it's called Bibba Cheese!"

And on and on. Then today: "Do you know how they cook at Bibba Cheese? They make pizza and bring it to the table and make lots and lots of bibba and dump it ALL OVER THE PIZZA!" Then: "Don't you hate that, daddy?" Still no word on what the mysterious substance bibba actually is, but he did reveal this afternoon this little tidbit: it tastes like bread.

Well, that's better than poo.

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